Blog of Deacon Stephen O'Riordan

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

We Wait for We Know Not What, 33rd Sunday

In the Gospels Jesus is always looking towards the future he calls the Kingdom of God. Jesus lived this out in ways that radically unsettled the way things were, the status quo, and the powers that be. Jesus, though he himself was ushering that very Kingdom by his teaching and healing, spoke on how the Kingdom’s forceful breaking into the world will be foreshadowed by trials and tribulations. Its entry would entail storms and stress as the old passed away and a new appears.

Structures, institutional, economic and architectural, will tumble down. The seas that we have plundered in our greed will be swallowed up, of course, after they have swallowed us up. Our soot will darken the sun, galaxies of stars will weep as they fall from the sky. And on earth the first, who have forever lorded it over others, will find themselves last while the lowly who have suffered long and hard will take the highest places at the banquet table of the Lord.

 That-day-coming is a sign that the way things are, are not good enough, not nearly good enough. We have not cared enough nor loved enough. We have not done what God has asked of us or what Jesus has taught us. All the while we have consumed too much, used too much, abused too much and oppressed too much. We seemed to have decided that “I and mine” are all that counts and now is the only time that matters and the rest is not our concern.

But, it is. Somewhere out there rushing towards us is a sublime and transcendent new day. An event that to some will be like a blazing oven or a raging fire that sets all evil doers (known and unknown) a blaze. Nothing will be left of their lies and deceits. Their treasures and their monuments will be turned to ash. But, that same transcendence, that seems like a raging fire will be to those who have struggled and suffered for righteousness like a glorious sun with life giving warmth enveloping all those who persevere in loving God, neighbor and earth.

That time is coming. We glimpse it like a distance figure, not knowing exactly how it will look up close. Will it look like justice or glory? Will it look like truth and judgement?  All we know (that whatever it looks like) it will arrive unexpectedly (like a thief in the night). It will surprise, maybe even horrify, many who deny its existence.

 And all we can do is to wait for this coming Kingdom of God. But, we must wait patiently in Faith, Hope and Love. When Paul says imitate us, it is because he and Barnabas, Priscilla and Aquila and others were themselves imitating Christ. Dying with Jesus they now live with him. For now he is within them. And so Spirit driven, in mutual imitation of the Lord, doing what the Lord did, the first Christian Communities were formed.

Do not be disorderly St Paul tells the churches, live lives that are prudent, level and smooth. Be in right relationship with God, creation and each other. Love one another. Turn away from deceit and gossip, put aside envy and jealous, resist fear and hatred.  Open your hands to give and not to take. Work, tirelessly and joyfully in bringing about the good. Perfect yourselves rather than trying to perfect others according to your ideas of perfection. Stop pointing fingers at others only Grace brings perfection and it doesn’t always look bright and shiny.

 I am not an alarmist, but throughout the world, troubling signs are already appearing. Endless conflict between nations and peoples. The earth revolting against its abuse. Mindless struggling for power and wealth at the expense of the meek and the powerless. Gates are being barred shut against the innocents and weapons readied in fear of, I know not what!

Jesus warns the disciples that what hides and denies the coming Kingdom of God will not go gently into the night. It will fight till the bitter end, holding hostage and finally destroying all around it trying to defend itself.  The disordered world, as it passes away, will lash back with suspicions, accusations and persecutions. False prophets already have very loud voices that drown out the gentle voices of those who follow Jesus. And as followers of Jesus we will mocked, thought irrelevant and even hated. Our wisdom will seem foolish, our words unrealistic, and our power weak. We will be thought troublemakers in a troubled land.

In the face of this, and what is to come, we must bear witness to a different way of being in the world. Loving God and neighbor (earth and stranger) is the only way forward. There are no other options. We must testify that we believe all things are possible for God, even the impossible. We must live courageously and love mightily. We must do what is hard, but right. What is unreasonable, but just.  We must be steadfast, holding dear the Lord’s words, “I am with you, even to the end of time”.

For now we wait for we-know-not-what. We do not its hour nor its shape but we still scan the horizon for its coming. We long for the Lamb of God who promises, “I am coming, soon”.

 Till then, be sensitive to the movement of the Spirit as we interpret the signs of the time. And as the bride, stay awake. Be ready, with lamps lite as we wait patiently for the bridegroom to come.  Till that day labor tirelessly for the Kingdom to come. Let the Lord direct our hearts to the love of God and to the endurance of Christ.


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